Education Reform Now
In Connecticut, we welcome the growing diversity of our public schools. All students deserve access to a high-quality, diverse teaching workforce.
Increasing educator diversity is an important priority for the state of Connecticut—both because students of color deserve access to a representative educator workforce and because all students need the experience of learning from teachers of varied racial backgrounds.
This brief uses two metrics to explore student and teacher demographic data in Connecticut: (1) The Diversity Gap marks the percentage point difference between students and teachers of color; and (2) The Teacher of Color Ratio illustrates how many individual students there are for each teacher of color within a jurisdiction.
Finding the Diversity Gap
We use the term “Diversity Gap” to compare teacher and student populations by looking at the percentage point difference between students and teachers of color.
[% Students of Color]
- [% Teachers of Color]
Diversity Gap
Finding the
Teacher of Color Ratio
We use the Teacher of Color Ratio to illustrates how many individual students there are for each teacher of color within a jurisdiction.
[# Students]
÷ [# Teachers of Color]
Teacher of Color Ratio
Our 2023 update contains two useful tools for those interested in exploring 2022-23 data on educator diversity in Connecticut: (1) A map that shows the size of the Diversity Gap in your public school district, based on 2022-23 data; and (2) A table displaying the Teacher of Color ratio in your public school district.